Hello lovely people!
I can’t believe it’s already the last week in January! Like whoa. Slow down 2020!
I have been a busy bee teaching, writing, creating… I am feeling so inspired and I just want to bring as much value as possible to all my clients and followers and anyone I actually cross paths with!
I’m also buzzing with energy, because I’m test driving a cleanse I’ve designed.It’s going to be available as part of a new transformation package I will be offering. Don’t stress if you’re not a Bespoke Body client (yet), My cleanse will also be turned it into my first e-book, so anyone, anywhere in the world can have access to it. Yay! Watch this space…
It’s been soooooo long since I’ve done a Be Inspired post, so I thought I’d get back to sharing some awesome finds, articles and other things that are exciting me or adding to my life right now. I hope they inspire you too!

So here goes…
I, like many many others, spent a few hours of this past weekend binge watching The Goop Lab on Netflix. If you haven’t watched it yet (Ya better get cracking if you want to participate in water cooler conversations at the office!) well it’s 6 x 30 minute episodes of Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop staff trying out all sorts of weird and wonderful things. Except, these things which were once so fringe, now seem to be almost mainstream… At least they seem that way to me! Cold water exposure, mushroom journeys, longevity practices are all a part of my lifestyle. I won’t give it all away… but it’s excellent viewing and I really hope that she does another season. Like a follower said to me earlier, Gwyneth is like coriander – you either love it/her or hate it/her. I have been and will always be a devout GP and Goop fan. Boom. Done.

Ok, next up I finally got my hands on this gorgeous cookbook from Sakara babes Danielle Duboise and Whitney Tingle. It’s called Eat Clean Play Dirty and it’s full of the most beautiful plant-based recipes, as well as some wonderful nutritional and lifestyle advice.
I bought my copy on Loot, which is where I buy most of my books, especially ones that aren’t yet available in South Africa.

So we all know how amazing turmeric is for fighting inflammation in the body. What’s not amazing, is when all your kitchen equipment and your fingers and everything else is stained bright yellow! I came across this article… Hopefully next time one of these solutions will work!

Seems like half the world jumped on the #Veganuary wagon! Even though, January is almost over, I think that trying to make at least one meal a day plant-based is good for your health and the environment. If you need a little Vegan brekfast inspiration… look no further than this article on Healthyish.

I’ve said it a million times and I will keep on and on and on… Meditation. Do it. It is probably THE very best thing you can do for your mind, body and soul. Establishing a regular mediation practice has totally changed my life and I will continue to promote its benefits to anyone who will listen!
Best of all… it doesn’t cost a thing and you can do it almost anytime, anywhere, for however long you have.
Here’s a sweet little article to maybe help persuade you to start…
Ok that’s all for today folks!
Hope you’re all having a wonderful 2020 so far and I can’t wait to share more with you all soon!
Big loves